Sunday, November 28, 2010

Active Components & Preparation

TTO is primarily composed of terpinen-4-ol: a terpene hydrocarbon with an alcohol group. Terpenes are often described as volatile and aromatic hydrocarbons. There are other terpene hydrocarbons that contribute to TTO’s chemical composition which can result in roughly a 100 components. An examination via gas chromatography and mass spectrometry of more than 800 TTO samples was performed by Brophy and colleagues to verify these 100  components (Carson et. al, 2006, Thompson et. al, 2008).

(Carson et. al, 2006).

(Carson et. al, 2006)

As mentioned, TTO is derived from the plant, Melaleuca alternifolia. In order to produce the essential oil on a commercial scale, the following steps must take place:
1.       The leaves and the branches of the plant are collected.
2.       Steam distillation (separation of oil from wet plant material) of these parts of the plant occurs.
3.      Oil (translucent or pale yellow in colour) is separated from wet plant material.

It is important to note that the TTO is regulated using an international standard titled: “Oil of Melaleuca-terpinen-4-ol type”. The standard allows for a deviation (up or down) of 14 components in TTO (Carson et. al, 2006).

*Image citation found in post titled  Sources & Additional Links

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