Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sources & Additional Links

Australian Tea Tree Industry Association (ATTIA). (2010). Australian Tea Tree Oil. Retrieved from,

Carson, C.F., Ashton, L., Dry, L., Smith, D.W. & Riley, T.V. (2001). Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil gel (6%) for the treatment of recurrent herpes labialis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 48: 450–451.

Carson, C.F., Hammer, K.A., & Riley, T.V. (2006). Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 19(1): 50-62.

Enshaieh, S., Jooya, A., Siadat, A.H., & Iraji, F. (2007). The efficacy of 5% topical tea tree oil gel in mild to moderate acne vulgaris: A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprology 73(1): 22-25.

Flaxman, D., & Griffiths, P. (2005). Is tea tree oil effective at eradicating MRSA colonization? A Review. British Journal of Community Nursing 10(3):123-126.

Greay, S.J., Irelenad, D.J., Kissick, H.T., Heenan, P.J., Carson, C.F., Riley, T.V., & Beilharz, M.W. (2010). Inhibition of established subcutaneous murine tumour growth with topical melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil. Cancer Chemotherapy Pharmacology 66:1095-1102.

Ruben, D.M., Freeman, S., & Southwell, I.A. (1998). Tea tree oil allergy: what is the offending agent? Report of three cases of tea tree oil allergy and review of literature. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 39(4): 244-247.

Southwell, I., & Lowe, R. (1999). Tea Tree: the genus Melaleuca. Amsterdam : Harwood Academic Publishers.

Thompson, G., Blackwood, B., McMullan, R., Alderice, F.A., Trinder, T.J., Lavery, G.G., & McAuley, D.F. (2008). A randomized controlled trial of tea tree oil (5%) body wash versus standard body wash to prevent colonization with methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in critically ill adults: research protocol. BMC Infectious Diseases 8:161.

Image Citations:

Melaluca Alternifolia

Captain James Cook

Tea Tree Plantation


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