Sunday, November 28, 2010

Adverse Effects/Cautions/Herb & Drug Interactions

Numerous studies, particularly with the use of skin patch tests, have been performed and among all of them the only major side effects seen with TTO are irritant and allergic reactions. However, much of the evidence is in fact anecdotal, indicating a need for statistical and deductive evidence. Fortunately, the toxicity of TTO is very low, for example, a study indicated that “a 50% lethal dose for TTO in a rat model is 1.9 to 2.6 ml/kg, and rats dosed with ≤1.5 g/kg TTO appeared lethargic and ataxic” (Carson et. al, 2006). Therefore, if humans accidently consume TTO or even experience TTO poisoning, the outcome is non-life threatening. There have yet to be claims that TTO has led to death over the 100 years of its use. Moreover, the most likely cause of TTO irritant and allergic reactions is due to inappropriate handling, packaging, age and storage of the oil. For instance, oxidation of products can alter the chemical composition of the oil (Ruben et. al, 1998; Australian Tea Tree Industry Association, 2010). Furthermore, TTO works beautifully with other essential oils and carriers like that of DMSO to treat MRSA (Thompson et. al, 2008). Clearly, research directed towards identifying the allergenic components of TTO is required in order to better its efficacy and safety.

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